About Me

I rediscovered yoga while helping my husband find a practice to help him work through muscle tightness and lack of flexibility.

There was a studio just down the street and his days off from work became our yoga days. At first it was all about the physical practice and then a book club got me thinking about the benefits that take yoga beyond the mat.

I saw a need for more of it in my life and my soul longed to learn more. The practice became a lifestyle. I could feel a shift and it became apparent to those around that something was different. I felt a peace that I could not have imagined before.

The combination of my years as a nurse, health coach and now as a yoga instructor offer a unique approach to this practice and lifestyle.


My yoga coaching style is tailored to each client’s needs. Most of my clients are athletes, former athletes or fitness enthusiasts.

You might be considering a yoga coach to improve flexibility, strength or simply to learn the poses in a more private environment before joining a studio practice.

My main focus is on form so you know you are performing the poses in a safe environment that will continue to help you move forward in your fitness journey and not be held back by injuries and setbacks.

Combining yoga along with other fitness modalities such as running or biking is a great way to tackle your exercise needs from both the cardiovascular and strength building sides.


Sounds so simple. Inhale and exhale.

What’s the catch? From thoughts to sensations, from anxiety and stress to jittery uncontrollable moments. So much can be decreased, managed and conquered with one simple practice.

Breathing can be used as a stepping stone to learning about and becoming more proficient at meditation, or it can be used on it’s own.

Once we learn how to use the power of the breath to help in our daily lives I believe we can naturally reduce our heart rate, lower our blood pressure and even make better choices.

Health coaching

As a former nurse, who embarked in the health care journey to help make wellness more accessible but didn’t find it in the hospital setting I choose to try again 15 years later by becoming a health coach. I acquired my coaching certification from IIN in 2018 and believe that this is how I am making the changes I’ve been called to.

Health Coaching services are booked in bundles that include private sessions to address your individual needs. A six month package with two monthly sessions that are scheduled to accommodate your calendar. During these sessions we address needs from different areas that might be creating a blockage and lack of progress toward specific goals.

We dive into past experiences and behaviors to better understand what has worked in the past, is currently working or not, and where we can make intentional small changes in pursuit of outcomes that lead us in the direction we ultimately want to go.

As someone with a passion for learning I continue to add tools to my coaching toolbox. I now incorporate yoga and breath coaching as optional add-ons if and when beneficial for the client.